Top Content and Top Landing Pages reports in Google Analytics

The Top Content and Top Landing Pages reports are super important, but I sometimes wish I could see some of the data from both reports in one place.

But first, let’s take a look at the standard Top Content report:

Here is the type of data I like to see when working with Content. You can follow along by grabbing the custom report I created.

This is kind of a mix between the Top Content and Top Landing pages report.

A couple of notes. We can verify that the bounce rate is indeed 231/584= 39.55%, but we can’t use Bounce Rate as a metric in this custom report. Revenue and Transactions are are associated with each pageview in a visit that leads to a transaction. These transactions are not independent and when you add up them up you’ll end up with a huge number. What we can say is that page X had a hand in Y transactions, along with lots of other pages. Doesn’t matter though since we are really more concerned about the relative importance of these pages, which is what the $Index is for. The $Index tries to answer the question: What pages are most important in contributing to revenue? You can read more about the attribution model Google Analytics uses.

We can actually verify how the $Index is calculated: Revenue/Unique Pageviews. In the above example, $16,205/2,348 = 6.90. By the way, it would be more correct to use unique pageviews in the tooltip:

Lets move on to the actionable part. To me the biggie here is the inclusion of Entrances in the same report. And of course, many insights come when you segment your data.

Let’s segment the original Top Content by Paid Search:

At first glance I am not sure what to make of the 0.00% bounce rate. Unlikely that our ads are that good!

Now lets look at the Top Content v2:

We can see that about 25% of the views of this page were in fact entrances. But the more interesting bit is that it turns out that this page is not actually a paid search landing page!  The paid search traffic landed on other pages before visiting the page, which you can see by drilling down in the report.

I am not suggesting a causal link, but I am wondering what would happen if we **send paid search traffic directly to this page? **How well is traffic converting for those others sources of traffic that land on this page?