Google Analytics mashup with other data sources?

"I want to see important information about my online business in one place."

Sounds like what portals and dashboards are supposed to do, and good web analytics data should give me much of the important information I need to know.  So how about using web analytics as the basis of the dashboard and adding other useful data sources to it? That’s essentially the idea behind our Analytics Fox extension for Google Analytics.

It’s more of a proof of concept at this point as the extension is only useful if you have a Yahoo! Store. It  uses keywords as the integration point to pull data from the Monitus Tools Keyword Monkey service right into the Google Analytics interface. Color-coded dots indicate whether keywords are found on the site, and this information can then be used to make pages more relevant for those keywords.


Click image to see a 2 minute video.

At the risk of stating the obvious, this additional data is of course not really inside Google Analytics or sent to their servers. Firefox pulls the data and then updates the browser display.

There are several more integration points I can see besides keywords:

Please let me know if this is a path worth going down, and if that is the case, what kind of additional data you would like to see.